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Monday, 26 December 2011

Leica Black and White jpegs

It's been a while since I posted, and i thought I would start again with a black and white jpeg, straight out of my Leica M9. This is a picture of my mother in law, Nancy. She objected to me taking the shot, but I took it anyway. I took it because I had just finished reading an article by Thorsten Overgaard, about jpegs taken with the Leica M9. They are not your run of the mill jpegs. Leica does something to them that makes it hard to discriminate them from a DNG file. Fine detail is held in the file, and the wonderful Leica lenses suffer little from glare problems when shooting into a bright background. In addition, I also used a gold reflector to shine some light back into her face.

I like Thorsten Overgaard's analyses of the Leica M9, since he uses it in all his photography. He works for Getty Images, and shoots a variety of commercial images. He gives workshops around the world, some for the "filthy rich". His weekly blog gives a lot of good information about Leica in general, and a lot of instruction on how to shoot in the digital age. I highly recommend him.